As a music therapist, I have had the privilege of witnessing the powerful impact of music on stress and the wide-ranging applications of music therapy interventions for stress-related conditions. There is scientific evidence to support many of these effects, but what about the stress of living through the staccato of today’s world – fear – confusion – isolation – rising death tolls – anguish of a global pandemic? Can something as simple as engaging with music really help us with the earth-shattering fear of the Coronavirus?

 One tried-and-true music therapy strategy for people in distress is based on matching the mood and feelings of a person with a fitting piece of music. Music therapists meet people where they are, and then gradually modulate the musical experience to change how they feel. In 1948, Ira Altshuler coined the term “iso-principle” to describe this phenomenon. Now, scientists use the word “entrainment” to explain the way in which one’s physical movements, breath, and emotional responses can synchronize with music that the person hears.


So here is something you can do.

*Categorize your music playlists by mood. You might create some playlists that evoke happiness, peace, excitement, or silliness. Then add some that express sadness, anger, frustration, or restlessness.

*Develop an “iso-principle” playlist by first finding a piece of music that matches how you feel when you are in distress – perhaps the musical phrases, harmonies, or rhythm resonate with your energy, or the song lyrics say something you didn’t even know you were feeling. Then select music that communicates how you would like to feel. These will be the first and last pieces for your new playlist. Next fill in the gap between these two with music that is similar to the first piece, and gradually becomes more like the last piece. You can interpret this any way that seems right for you. Here’s a video that explains this process and illustrates this through a single piece of music. See how it works for you. 


 Then sometimes, when we feel immersed in the melee of news reports and predictions of Armageddon, we just need to laugh and have some fun! My Berklee Online students are discussing appropriate music for a 20-second hand-washing. My favorite is Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive.” Take a break and enjoy!


I recorded A Contemplation Garden of Music with the intention of binging peace to the world. The Native American flute takes me far away from my troubles. Try it!
